Deciphering the Language of Stutter DNA

This month’s blog I will try to dabble with some of the fascinating new found aspects in the molecular biology of short tandem repeat DNA sequences and translation. One of the awesome steps in the discovery of the genetic code was the discovery of the mechanism by which cells convert DNA information into proteins. The … More Deciphering the Language of Stutter DNA

Defining a new Cosmic Playground: Navigating the Protein Space

Did you ever consider exploring the protein space? Probably not. I am trained in molecular biology and have a nerdy interest in areas of theoretical biology that most people do not even want to know of. But bear with me because it is stunning, let me take you by the hand and explore the concept … More Defining a new Cosmic Playground: Navigating the Protein Space

Viral infections and the 100 autoimmune diseases; a tale of confusing evidence.

Welcome to my blog! While the highly pathogenic avian Influenza H5N1 is raging through the world we’re diving into a theory that explores the role of viral infections in triggering autoimmune responses. This theory is particularly intriguing as it suggests that Major Histocompatibility Complex class I (MHC I) peptides of the host can become self-antigens, … More Viral infections and the 100 autoimmune diseases; a tale of confusing evidence.

Decoding the Dance: Virus-Driven Translation and Host Defense Responses

In the choreography of cellular life, viruses emerge as dancers seducing the host ribosomes to dance along. These obligate intracellular pathogens, with their compact genomes, pirouette through our cells, leaving a trail of molecular debris. Let’s unravel the steps of this captivating dance,  where RNA takes center stage. Viruses, like stealthy guests at a grand … More Decoding the Dance: Virus-Driven Translation and Host Defense Responses

Unveiling the XenoAMP Mystery: Peptides, Mimicry, and COVID-19 Pathogenesis

The language of science is always evolving, and new terms like “Xeno AntiMicrobial Peptides” (xenoAMPs) can raise eyebrows for seasoned researchers. But beyond the catchy name, is there substance to this concept? Let’s dive into a recent study exploring xenoAMPs in the context of COVID-19 and see if it sheds light on viral immunology. Decoding … More Unveiling the XenoAMP Mystery: Peptides, Mimicry, and COVID-19 Pathogenesis

Do microproteins facilitate viral piracy ?

In this first blog post for 2024, we’ll delve into the intriguing question: Are viral microproteins  interfering with host metabolism and do host microproteins influence viral activity? We’ll explore the captivating role microproteins appear to play in evolution and discuss the multitude of virus species that inhabit our bodies. The human virome, a term referring … More Do microproteins facilitate viral piracy ?

Searching for small orfs encoding antigenic peptides and understanding the role of antisense open reading frames.

In this essay we explore a frontier in molecular biology, we delve into the exploration of small open reading frames (ORFs) that encode antigenic peptides and seek to comprehend the function of small antisense ORFs. The human genome is teeming with small ORFs, a substantial portion of which have proven to be evolutionarily conserved and … More Searching for small orfs encoding antigenic peptides and understanding the role of antisense open reading frames.

The fascinating world of hidden peptides

As I delve into the world of artificial intelligence (AI), I’ve found that these tools have significantly enhanced my ability to write and research. They’ve transformed the way I read articles, making me more critical and thorough in verifying claims. Tools like chatPDF can effortlessly answer questions like “are new data presented in this paper?” … More The fascinating world of hidden peptides

Altorfs Unveiled as Prion-Like Protein Factories

Prepare to be astounded as we dive deep into the world of alternative open reading frames (ORFs) and their astonishing ability to encode prion-like proteins, those infamous culprits behind terrifying neurodegenerative diseases like Creutzfeldt-Jakob and mad cow disease. The concept of prion-like proteins is taking the scientific community by storm, with implications reaching far beyond … More Altorfs Unveiled as Prion-Like Protein Factories

To Bennu and back: the OSIRIS-REx anomaly

On September  the 24th of the year 2023 humanity made a remarkable stride in space exploration. The crowning achievement was the OSIRIS-REx mission, a cutting-edge spacecraft designed to retrieve a sample from the asteroid Bennu. With its advanced equipment and robust biosafety containment measures, it was meant to bring back invaluable knowledge about the cosmos … More To Bennu and back: the OSIRIS-REx anomaly